Thinking About Tomorrow

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Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Dubya: By being the problem I will provide the solution

Type "failure" into Google and hit the "I'm feeling lucky" button. At 11:57pm NZ time the reproducible behaviour was to be taken directly to Dubya's website (This is the result of a successful ). On Dubya's site, if you dig deep enough you can find his official executive summary of the Administration's approach to climate change:

"Addressing global climate change will require a sustained effort, over many generations. My approach recognizes that sustained economic growth is the solution, not the problem – because a nation that grows its economy is a nation that can afford investments in efficiency, new technologies, and a cleaner environment." -- Dubya Bush

What a load of elephant shit. A simple fact he seems to be missing is that the Earth has finite resources. Unbounded growth of any kind is pure fantasy. We humans have had a nice ride during the rapid growth phase of our life on Earth, but that phase is about to end rather abruptly. Dubya is sitting down at one end of our little wooden vessel busily drilling a hole in the bottom in search of oil. The rest of us are watching the water level rise inside the boat and are starting to wonder whether or not we should start bailing.

Should we start bailing, or is there another solution?


  • At 11:48 AM, Blogger Miss Cellania said…

    We've been growing the economy for a couple hundred years now, and look where its gotten us so far!

  • At 12:00 PM, Blogger Alexei said…

    I am not sure if that is supposed to be a positive or a negative comment. Of course the wealthy members of the developed world (a minority of the global population!) hav done very well (so far) through economic growth. I am not denying that. I am contending that we no longer need nor can we afford unbounded economic growth, if it comes at the expense of the sustainability of the planet. What I am arguing is that "economic growth" per se should not be the yardstick for the success of government. Instead the yardstick should be something like "a fair and sustainable life on earth for all". With improvements in science this yardstick could become every bit as definable and quantitative as "economic growth" and I would argue its a much closer to what humanity is striving for. I am assuming here that there is more to life than the self-centered consumerism that currently dominates American and other developed cultures.


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